Happy Read-In Day from Schuyler R-1 Elementary! We tried to make reading time extra special today. Celebrate with a good book this weekend!
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Preschool is learning about shadows. They enjoyed watching their shadows at recess and making neat silhouettes in class!
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Second grade is learning about sudden and slow changes to Earth. Mr. Randolph did an experiment on how water slowly erodes and changes mountains and other landforms.
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Just a reminder that 7th - 12th Parent Teacher Conference will be on March 17th from 4:00-7:00.
over 4 years ago, Kyle Windy
Miss Robin from MU Extension began at Schuyler R-1 Elementary this week teaching lessons on nutrition and health to our K-3 students. This week is an introduction to the food groups and handwashing procedures and practice.
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
We have a fun group of 5th and 6th grade students in Art Club this year. They work on projects for school activities, such as Kindness Week, as well as personal projects to enhance their artistic abilities!
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Sixth grade has started presenting their ancient civilization projects. They will host a museum later this semester to display their knowledge and creativity! #WeAreSC
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Schuyler R-1 is celebrating Missouri School Read-In Day on Friday, March 13th to recognize and celebrate the fun and importance of reading. We are adding to the fun by having a PAJAMA DAY!
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Congratulations FCCLA STAR Event participants receiving medals for their acommplishments. In Event Management: Alyvia Applegate-Silver, Kaitlyn Hatfield-Silver, Madison Blackorby- Silver. In Fashion Construction: Haleigh Fowler- Bronze. In Professional Presentation: Xavia Cullers-Silver.
over 4 years ago, Kyle Windy
Congratulations FCCLA STAR Event participant Kristin Ward. Kristin received a Gold medal and a plaque in Job Interview. Kristin was also sworn into office March 10th as FCCLA Region 3 VP of Community Service. She will represent Region 3 as well as Schuyler County in 2020/2021.
over 4 years ago, Kyle Windy
Kristin Ward
With all the media hype and concerns right now the administration and Board of Education want you to know we are closely following the latest news regarding the Coronavirus and any information being circulated by the Center for Disease Control. We have contacted the Missouri Health Department and at this time, there are no restrictions or requirements to stop activities with large groups of people. Following are some of the suggestions we have been receiving from DESE, MSHSAA, Food and Health Dept, and other organizations and, while most are common sense, they are worth repeating: Food service: Don't let students serve themselves. Provide them time to wash their hands. We will start this immediately. Custodial: Spend extra time and care to make sure all surfaces that are touched are cleaned and sanitized. Perform routine environmental cleaning. Routinely clean frequently touched surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, light switches, countertops) with cleaners that you typically use. Use all cleaning products according to the directions on the label. Provide disposable wipes so that commonly used surfaces (e.g., keyboards, desks, remote controls) can be wiped down by students and staff before each use. Encourage students and staff to take everyday preventative actions to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, such as staying home when sick; appropriately covering coughs and sneezes; cleaning frequently touched surfaces; and washing hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty. Remember to supervise young children when they use hand sanitizer to prevent swallowing alcohol, especially in childcare facilities. As consumers, we should be sure to wash hands after filling our car with gas and use sanitation wipes on grocery shopping carts. Again, you can never go wrong with practicing good hygiene and teaching your students and children to do the same. We will certainly keep you informed of any new information we receive. Thank you! Steve
over 4 years ago, Steve Carvajal
Elementary Spring Pictures are Friday! Reminder: Only those who pre-pay will have their picture taken!
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Our winter sports banquet will be held Monday, March 9th. If you are attending, please plan on bringing a covered dish. Drinks and meat will be provided by the booster club.
over 4 years ago, Chris Prewitt
Thanks for coming out to Hot Chocolate & Games family night! It was a good time!! Thanks, PTO, for the yummy food! #WeAreSC
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Opaa! kitchen staff is helping Schuyler Elementary celebrate “Out of this World” School Breakfast Week! We had green eggs and ham for Dr. Seuss’ birthday Tuesday!
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Mrs. Daniels’ Kindergarteners practiced writing and drawing like Dr. Seuss today!! Dr. Seuss’ birthday was celebrated Monday, March 2nd.
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
First grade produced some nice writing pieces in recognition of Presidents’ Day!! Way to be Achievers!
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Second grade is learning about plants in science and how seeds are dispersed in nature. Some have tested dispersing seeds in the wind, and others have researched how animals and insects also aid in the process.
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Mrs. Wayman got to enjoy lunch with our newest Star Students! Both groups did a great job conversing and using manners while having fun! Way to be R.A.M.S.!! (3-6 seen below.) #RamPride
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman
Mrs. Wayman got to enjoy lunch with our newest Star Students! Both groups did a great job conversing and using manners while having fun! Way to be R.A.M.S.!! (PK-2 seen below.) #RamPride
over 4 years ago, Katie Wayman