The golf meeting for tonight has been postponed to tomorrow night. The meeting will take place from 630pm-7pm at the country club.
School starts TOMORROW, August 13th!Go Rams!!
Hope to see you at Open House tonight 5:00-6:30!!
Bring your supplies, meet your teacher, eat a hotdog meal, and visit the booths in the multipurpose room for school supplies and/or information!
Sports physicals will be available at school on August 15th for those students in grades 4-12 who need a physical. You will need a form, which can be picked up at Open House this evening, and $10 for your child to participate.
High school softball will be 8-11 am at the fields in Lancaster on 8/12. You need to have updated physicals and insurance.
From Mrs. Wolf: If you ordered a 2018-19 yearbook last year, you can be pick it up during Open House Thursday night from Mrs. Wolf in room #139 in the high school. Those not picked up will be distributed the first week of school.
Come this Saturday, August 10th, to help the Schuyler County Ministerial Alliance raise funds for our Buddy Pack program!
Bus drivers will be driving mock routes tomorrow, August 6th, at the time they will run morning routes for the school year. Please contact Avery Jones at 660-216-8676 if your bus does not go by.
Varsity Football Parent meeting August 8th at 7pm in multipurpose room.
The Schuyler R-1 Band is putting in numerous hours of practice this week. Check them out soon in local parades and at our home football games! Go Rams!!
Lancaster United Methodist Church with the Ministerial Alliance and others will be hosting Tools for School again this year at Open House on August 8th from 5:00 to 6:30 PM in the elementary multipurpose room.
Mandatory Junior High Football (6th, 7th, 8th) parent/player meeting August 6th at 6:00pm in the High School commons. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Windy
Go Rams!
Weight room will be open this week Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7am-9am.
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is not new to Schuyler Elementary. It intertwines with many aspects of our building. An informational brochure about PBS in our school is on the school’s website:
Summer welcome packets mailed out this week. If you do not receive yours by Tuesday, please call the office at 660-956-4125. We look forward to seeing you at Open House on August 8th from 5:00-6:30!
The board would like to congratulate Wanda Homer for being appointed to the Schuyler R-1 Board of Education. Wanda replaces Kathy Yearns that resigned due to health reasons. The board would like to thank Kathy for her timed served.
Strength and Conditioning athletes please enter through middle school doors on west side of school to access the gym and weight room. The Main east side hallway is closed. Has fresh wax on it.
Senior Sports banner pictures for fall sports will be July 30 at 5:00pm at the school.
We will be conducting sports physical during school for any students in grades 6th-12th on August 15th. Cost will be $10.00. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
Thanks Mr. Windy
Schuyler R-1 Elementary staff along with the Schuyler County Library in Lancaster will offer a story hour once a month this school year. Here are the dates if you want to plan ahead!