PK-2nd students had a light saber tunnel to send off 3rd-6th students to MAP testing next week!! Thanks to everyone who participated in our Star Wars MAP Kickoff Week!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
Mrs. Veatch’s Clone day
Ms. Maize’s Clone day
The students were excited for their PTO-promised slime day! Mr. Roberts and Mrs. Wayman went with the MAP Kickoff Star Wars theme!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
Get set
Make up date for Baseball Saturday, April 27th at Harrisburg 12:00pm- Schuyler vs Slater 2:00pm- Schuyler vs Harrisburg
almost 6 years ago, Nick Wooldrik
Our 3rd-6th Star Student recess was a ball!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
Good group
Star Student lunch with these awesome RAMS students!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
Raylynne and Tia
Keaton, Zander, and Jesslynn
Drake, Harrison, and Chayten
April 19th, Schuyler R-1 will be dismissing at 1:00 in the high school and 1:05 in the elementary. Have a Happy Easter.
almost 6 years ago, Kyle Windy
4th Quarter began Tuesday, March 19. PK-6 field trips are scheduled to be in May. All students get to attend unless he/she 1) is failing a class (including 5/6 band). 2) has an outstanding fee (meal balance, library books, etc.). 3) is absent the day before the trip (unless they have a doctor’s excuse). 4) receives more than one major in 4th quarter. 5) does not return their permission slip and/or field trip fee.
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
We concluded our elementary tutoring program yesterday (Tuesday, 4/16). Fourth quarter midterm was today (Wednesday, 4/17). Parent-teacher conferences are tomorrow (Thursday, 4/18).
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
Yearbook orders are due NO later than April 26. You can order online at or the attached order form. Questions contact Kara Wolf.
almost 6 years ago, Corey Randall
Tonight’s baseball game at Moberly vs Harrisburg will be moved up to 4:00pm.
almost 6 years ago, Nick Wooldrik
April 18th 4:00-7:00 7th - 12th Parent/Teacher Conferences. Go Rams!
almost 6 years ago, Kyle Windy
6th graders have worked hard on research and the creation of projects this year in social studies. These projects are on display today (4/16) and tomorrow (4/17) from 8:15-10:30 am in their Ancient Civilization Museum.
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
Ancient China
Ancient Rome
Wednesday, April 17th Schuyler Baseball will play at 5pm in Moberly for Third place in the Lewis and Clark tournament.
almost 6 years ago, Nick Wooldrik
First grade exploring seeds and documenting observations.
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
School tomorrow, Monday, April 15 for K-12! MAP Kickoff Week for Elementary
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
Just chillin after a first round victory in the L & C Conf. Tourney over Paris 6-5!
almost 6 years ago, Robert Amen
6th grade Science Fair today 1:30-3:00
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
Rylynne and Hailey
Chesney and Bevyn
Hayden and Cayden
Grand March is going to be moved to the high school gym tomorrow. It’s supposed to be pretty cold. The kids need to line up in the new hallway and come in the drop off doors. They will go around the gym and out to the commens when they are done.
almost 6 years ago, Nick Wooldrik
Student Council is hosting a blood drive on Monday, April 15 from 2:30 to 6:30 in the high school commons. If you would like to make an appointment call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter SchuylerR1School. Walk-ins are more than welcome.
almost 6 years ago, Corey Randall
Herschel Hoffmeyer spoke to sixth grade about his profession as a graphic arts designer. Thanks for your expertise, Mr. Hoffmeyer, and for making this opportunity happen, Ms. Michael!
almost 6 years ago, Katie Wayman
Looking at the game he created
Mr. Hoffmeyer
Checking out his work