With the forcast of rain tonight the district softball games at Scotland will be at 4:00 and 5:30. Schuyler will play at 5:30 vs Canton. Thanks
over 7 years ago, Nick Wooldrik
The Schuyler R-1 FBLA chapter is selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts until October 13. Those interested can contact Mrs. Wolf or Mrs. Priebe at the high school or any Schuyler R-1 FBLA Member.
over 7 years ago, Schuyler County R-1
Krispy Kreme
Schuyler Lady Rams advance to the second round of districts with a 12-2 victory over Brashear.
over 7 years ago, Nick Wooldrik
Queen City Mayor Doug Watt visited with our second graders about how laws and rules are made, enforced, and judged in our local community.
over 7 years ago, Katie Wayman
The flu clinic for 5th-12th grade students is Tuesday, October 10th. If you need a form, you can download it from the news section of the website or contact the school.
over 7 years ago, Katie Wayman
High school PE enjoying a little cornhole tournament.
over 7 years ago, Nick Wooldrik
FCCLA is doing a fundraiser Friday before school in the multipurpose room. Elementary students can pay $1 to receive a sticker that allows them to wear their hat all day. The sticker must be worn visibly all day. Funds will be given to the family of the late Jesse Ketchum. His wife is the FCCLA advisor at Scotland County.
over 7 years ago, Katie Wayman
The district softball bracket is out and you can go to the following MSHAA link to track bracket updates. https://www.mshsaa.org/Activities/DistrictTournaments.aspx?alg=38&class=1&district=11
over 7 years ago, Schuyler County R-1
District Softball Bracket
The Schuyler R-1 FFA chapter will be conducting fruit sales from now until October 23rd. Those interested in fruit can contact Mr. Hanes at the school or a Schuyler R-1 FFA Member.
over 7 years ago, Schuyler County R-1
FFA Support
Elementary students are bringing home their school pictures tonight. Picture retakes are scheduled for Tuesday, October 24th.
over 7 years ago, Katie Wayman
Starting today, Junior and Senior High students may purchase extra items from $.50 to $1 through OPAA during lunch if they have a positive lunch balance. If you have question contact Christy.
over 7 years ago, Schuyler County R-1
OPAA Items
There will be an After Prom Committee meeting in the High School Commons, tomorrow, October 3rd at 7pm.
over 7 years ago, Schuyler County R-1
With us having a golfer at Sectional golf today we will be playing the JV softball game at 5:00 pm today with Varsity to follow. Thanks
over 7 years ago, Nick Wooldrik
Come out and support the Rams during Western's Smokehouse Blitz Night!
over 7 years ago, Robert Amen
The Booster Club will be taking donations at the football game tonight against Westran to show our support for the family of Brian Simpson, a teacher and coach at Harrisburg R-VIII, one of our conference schools, who tragically lost his life in a bus accident this week.
over 7 years ago, Robert Amen
Simpson Memorial
Parents of students 4th-9th grades, MAP scores will be coming home today with your child.
over 7 years ago, Schuyler County R-1
Reminder: Morning drop-off up until 7:55 A.M. of elementary and high school students is behind the elementary through the south door of the new hallway. Thanks!
over 7 years ago, Katie Wayman
Mrs. Amen gave Mrs. Applegate's class a positive behavior referral for being Respectful in the hallway. Great job everyone!
over 7 years ago, Katie Wayman
Reminder: 7th-12th grade Parent/Teacher Conferences today from 3:30-7:30.
over 7 years ago, Robert Amen
Bowen Dockery played his guitar for Mrs. Amen's preschool class this morning. They really enjoyed it! Thanks Bowen!
over 7 years ago, Katie Wayman